- UFC OFFERS CONTRACT TO MIRKO CRO COP? Monday, December 04, 2006 - by Al Yu - MMAWeekly.comA recent article on the Croatian news site Vecernji-list claimed that Pride Open Weight Grand Prix Champion Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic would be offered a contract to fight in the UFC.
Mirko has one more fight left on his Pride contract, so he will be a free agent after his fight on New Year's Eve against a currently unannounced opponent.
According to the supposed contract, as reported by Vecernji-list, Mirko would be offered a $1 million signing bonus in a deal that would secure the Croatian star to the UFC for six fights. Moreover, Mirko would supposedly earn $1.2 million for his first two fights in the UFC, $2 million for the two fights thereafter, and an undisclosed amount for the final two fights on the contract.
The specifics of the contract don't appear to be anything more than speculation, allegedly stemming from an airline passenger who claimed to have looked over the shoulder of a UFC official during a flight.Cro Cop dismissed the published terms of the contract, as he told Vecernji-list, "I wish it's that much... that guy must have seen one extra zero. Even boxers do not get that kind of money."
Cro Cop would have no reason to be dishonest by understating how much the UFC is offering him. If anything, for the purposes of negotiations, it's in the best interests of fighters in general for them to overstate--- not understate--- how much money they're being offered, so there's no reason to doubt Cro Cop when he says that Vecernji-list's published contractual terms are not even close to the actual terms.However, in the same article, Cro Cop did confirm that the UFC has shown interest in him, as he told Vecernji-list, "They are interested in me, but I did not sign anything." Just the fact that the UFC has expressed interest to Cro Cop is significant because it indicates that UFC officials appear to be serious when they say that they will try to sign the best fighters in the world in 2007. Cro Cop is currently the #2 Heavyweight in the MMAWeekly Rankings.
This news comes on the heels of BodogFight's announcement that Pride Heavyweight Champion Fedor Emelianenko, who is the #1 Heavyweight in the MMAWeekly Rankings, will be fighting at a BodogFight card in March in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Fedor is currently taking his bookings as a succession of one-fight contracts, with the next one being his December 31st fight in Pride, followed by his March fight with BodogFight. For fights after March, it's a pretty safe bet that every well-funded MMA organization in the world will be seeking Fedor's services, whether it's in the form of more one-fight contracts or an exclusive long-term deal.
With the top two heavyweights in the world on the verge of being free agents within a few months of one another, the face of the MMA industry could change depending on which organization or organizations are able to sign Fedor and Cro Cop.
Fans of MMA will undoubtedly be hoping that the long-awaited rematch between Fedor and Cro Cop will take place at some point. Fedor defeated Cro Cop by unanimous decision on Pride's Final Conflict card last year in one of the best fights of the year.
クロアチアのニュースサイト、Vecernji-listでの最近の記事では、PRIDE無差別級GP王者のミルコ・クロコップがUFCで戦うオファーを受けていると報じています。 ミルコはPRIDEとの契約を1試合残しています。現在のところ未定である対戦相手と大晦日に試合を行った後はフリーとなります。
Vecernji-listが報じている推定される契約内容によれば、ミルコにはクロアチアの英雄がUFCで6試合行うことを確実にする100万ドルの契約金が提示されるだろうとのこと。更にミルコはUFCでの最初の2戦で推定120万ドルを手にし、そして その後の2試合で200万ドル、最後の2試合の額についてはは契約上、非公開です。
ミルコは契約について書かれた内容を取り下げさせました。「私は、それがガセであると思っている。ソイツは1桁多くゼロを見たに違いありません。ボクサーでさえ そんな額の金銭を得られません。」とVecernji-listに語っています。
しかしながら、同じ記事内でミルコはUFCが彼に興味を示しているということを認めています。ミルコがVecernji-listに語ったところによれば、「彼らは私に興味を持っていましたが、私はサインしませんでした。」とのことです。UFCがミルコに興味を示したという事実が重要です。なぜなら、2007年の世界一優秀な選手との契約を試みているということが、UFCは本気でその気があるということを示しているからです。現在ミルコはMMAWeekly ランキングのヘビー級2位です。
このニュースはPRIDEヘビー級王者、エメリアエンコ・ヒョードル(MMAWeekly ランキングのヘビー級1位)が3月にロシアのサンクトペテルブルグでのBodogFight大会で試合を行うというBodogFightの発表によるものです。
ヒョードルは最近、PRIDEでの大晦日の試合に続き、3月にBodogFightで試合を行うワンマッチ契約を得ました。3月の試合の後は、ワンマッチ契約か長期契約かに関係なく 資金が潤沢な世界中のMMA組織がヒョードルとの契約を模索するというヒョードルにとって全く安全な状態になっているのです。
MMAファンは、ヒョードルとミルコとの待望の再試合が、いずれかのタイミングで行われることを確実に望んでいます。ヒョードルは その年のベストマッチのひとつと言われたPRIDE GP 2005 決勝戦(Final Conflict)でミルコを3-0の判定で破っています。
うーん いつもながら怪しい日本語訳だが ご勘弁いただきたい。
インタビューの記事通り「PRIDE 恐れるに足らず」ということであれば、ミルコに触手を伸ばすことはないわけで。
ヒョードルの場合、毎年の契約更改の時期になると MFCにいっちゃうかも とか情報が流れるわけで、ギャラ交渉を有利に進めるための ある種の情報操作のニオイもしてくるわけでw
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