12月 K-1のリングにBJペンが登場?
PENN VS GRACIE?BJ Penn came on MMAWeekly Radio and talked about his future, which includes fights in November for Rumble on the Rock and December in K-1. Penn didn't discuss who he would face in November, other than just saying, "It will be a top ranked fighter."
Penn said his fight in K-1 would be against a fighter who is much heavier than him. Basically Penn said the fighter he would compete against would be "185 pounds".The talk right now is that the K-1 fight will most likely take place against Rodrigo Gracie, but as of now, they are working on getting the paper work signed for that fight.
Penn also discussed what he thought about the UFC, his future with the company, and who he would like to fight in November at the upcoming Rumble on the Rock show on November 20th. You can listen now at MMAWeekly Radio.
BJ ペンがMMA Weeklyに語ったところによると、11月に「Rumble on the Rock show」に出場した後、12月にはK-1のリングに上がりロドリゴ・グレーシーと対戦することになりそうな気配。
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